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PWSD #3 Office

Sewer Service Project


Public Water Supply District #3 amended its Articles of Incorporation in 1998, under the provisions of Section 247 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri to create a common sewer district and treatment facilities as another function in the service to its customers.

As stated in the Petition For Amended Decree Of Incorporation, "a common sewer district and treatment facilities are necessary because residents within Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Laclede County, Missouri, are without a common sewer district and treatment facilities and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has increased restrictions on individual septic systems. Residents need a method of handling waste water at a reasonable cost that complies with Missouri Department of Natural Resources regulations."

The boundaries for the sewer district were set as the same boundaries established by the water district.

For the past several years, the District's Board members and staff have worked diligently to procure the necessary funding through loans and grants from various agencies -- USDA Rural Development, Community Development Block Grant and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

As of 2006, the sewer project, Phase I, had received obligated loans in the amount of $2,074,000 and grants in the amount of $2,910,000 plus contributions from the District in the amount of $190,244 making total funding for this project $5,174,244.

The project was bid out and contracts signed in December of 2006 with construction to begin on the treatment facility in January 2007 and the construction of the lines in February 2007.

We appreciate everyone's patience in this project and would like to say "Thanks" to all parties involved that have helped the District get this project progressing further into reality for the betterment of our community. 

Phase I Boundaries

Phase I will improve sewer conditions for approximately 316 customers in our Water District. The area of Phase I covers the following streets, roads and subdivisions:
East 32 Highway from Tower Road to Rose Lawn Drive.
North of Hwy 32 - 2,000 feet down Park Drive; 4,000 feet down Pine Tree
Roads to West - Paradise Drive
Roads South of Highway 32 - Perimeter Lane, Professional Drive, Peak Lane, Pioneer Drive, Primrose Drive, Hickory Hills Subdivision, 4,000 ft. down Pine Tree, Palisades Drive and the Vista Heights Subdivision