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The lawsuit between PWSD#3 and The City of Lebanon has been settled.

As part of the settlement, new boundaries for the District have been formed in accordance with the current city limits. Any service locations of the District that are in the current city limits will be turned over to the City of Lebanon for water service.

Customers to Receive City Service

As stated above, PWSD#3 customers that are currently located in the city limits of Lebanon in the near future will start to receive water service from the City of Lebanon in accordance with the settlement agreement between the District and the City of Lebanon.

In July 2012, letters were mailed giving information to those customers in regards to the paperwork, deposits, etc for the water service from the City of Lebanon. A public meeting was held on July 31, 2012 at Lebanon City Hall for information/questions of the customers going to the City of water service. Management staff from the District also attended. The District and City of Lebanon staff are working together to make this transition as easy as possible.

Until the "switch-over" customers should continue to pay their bill to the District. As customers are switched over, final bills will be calculated by the District and sent to the customer. If a customer has a deposit with the District, the deposit will be applied to the final bill. Any credit balance after the deposit has been applied will be refunded.